Pool Renovation
In the capital budget there is a line item for $1.8 million improvement project in 2026. This is a lot of money going to a pool whose future is not clearly defined. We know the current building is not ADA compliant and has several long-term maintenance issues. We also know it will be more cost effect to replace than repair. In 2025 the Village plans on spending $70k to find out what older residents already know…
I have worked on replacing the current building back in 1998 and again around 2006. Both times we found out once we added the ADA improvements, we hit a financial threshold which forced us to bring the entire building up to current building codes (electrical, plumbing, etc.) These additional costs made the only option tear-down and complete replacement. Once this option is discussed, the Board would table the decision for a future date.
How about thinking a bit outside the box! Around 2006, I suggested we look into enclosing the entire pool - the only one which would be open to the public in the city of Madison. I drew the rough concept below.
- How about a multipurpose building - think of a tri level
Center level is at grade access and lockers (Pool access)
From there we go down to a half-court basketball area - a multipurpose area
Once we go upstairs there will be meeting and dorm rooms. One quarter to half of this floor could be a living space we fill with UW-Madison or Extension Physical Therapist students (for example). In exchange of their room and board, our residents have program planners/organizers
Maybe it’s time to make the pool year-round.