Trash Truck Sizes
Did you know we had the opportunity to have a Village run Garbage and Recycling program?
Have you ever been met by a gigantic trash truck on our small Village streets?
Our streets are not designed to carry 90,000 pound vehicles, yet that is the weight a fully loaded private garbage truck currently operating within Shorewood Hills. Did you ever wonder why Madison runs small garbage trucks? Same reason - the smaller trucks don’t damage the roads. We can run smaller trucks or spend millions repairing roads.
A short-term vision would look at the ease of private contracting. A long-term vision would consider the road damage from large overweight trucks and the cost of road repairs.
I think it’s time Shorewood Hills investigates running their own truck. A smaller truck could run two days on garbage, then two days on recycling (for example). Not for me to decide - would be great for the Services or Public Works Committees.