
Community Advocate



Always willing to lend a hand

Dog Owner

  • Homeowner in Shorewood since 1989 (36 years)

  • UW-Madison, Mechanical Engineering (1984)

  • Licensed Professional Engineer in WI since 1988

  • 20 Years as Volunteer EMT for Shorewood EMS

  • Scoutmaster, Troop 940, 4 years

Where will you find me?

  • On the Water, I have a sailboat moored at Mckenna Park. I frequently go out for a nice night on our beautiful lake, if you’re interested in coming out for a sail, please reach out! I also have two kayaks and love spending a weekend exploring lesser known river and streams in Wisconsin

  • In the city, I love supporting our local businesses in southern Wisconsin. You’ll find me grabbing some essentials at Willy’s Co-op, breakfast at Madison Sourdough, a burger down at Oakcrest, or going up for Fish fry at the Dorf Haus

  • In the community, I am always available and frequently help out neighbors and friends in the area. Whether it’s moving furniture, getting a snow blower started, helping move a down tree, or just being another set of hands.