Top Down: Governance Structure Strategy

To me, this is the heart of the entire progression our Board is bringing to Shorewood Hills. Over the last 10 years I have seen progression towards moving all things away for resident committees and towards Board dictations.

Chapters 1 and 2 lay out how the Village was run until 2017:

- General Government - Chapter 1

- The Governing Body - Chapter 2

In 2017 we started moving towards authoritarianism, moving more and more control the Village Board in general and the Village President in particular. The trend came into clear focus once the Board paid a consultant Funkhouser & Associates around $38,000 to finalize the path to full Board control. The complete set of documents to finalize the concentration of power can be found on the 7th tab on our Village Website, Village Governance Project. All the documents are watermarked DRAFT, but let me assure you, this is direction the Board has been moving in for some time. In a nutshell, our current committees have been downgraded to subcommittees, in there place are committees with the same name, only they consist of three trustees. We have the President, then the Trustees, the 3-Trustees committees, and finally resident committees (if needed).

Here is the new structure

This is not on our Village website. I spent a number of hours trying to understand what the New Governance structure is. It’s seems obvious after a long back and forth study, it looks benign if read with a glance.

This along with the rest of the images are copied from our Village New Governance webpage.


Village Strategic Plan - Top down management


2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan